真愛家庭雜誌 第9期 (2003年02月) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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永遠不再一樣了 █張怡欣 親愛的日記: 媽咪今天中風了。我也記不清所有發生的事,只記得接我的是爹地而不是媽咪(原來都是她來接的)。他一副失魂落魄的模樣。他說,今天一大早我在學校的時候,媽咪被緊急送到醫院去了。醫生說,她腦袋裏有一條微血管爆掉了。我好像做夢似地,恍恍惚惚沒什麼感覺。 親愛的日記: 我們今天又到醫院去看媽咪。今天她真的清醒過來了。她不能走 ,也不能自己移 。護士說媽咪很可能好長一陣子會左半身癱瘓。萬一她不能好起來怎麼辦?我好害怕!爹地說只有為她禱告了,因為那是我們現在惟一能做的了。 親愛的日記: 今天我在學校很難專心。又是例行公事——放學後待在學校等爹地下班,然後接我一起去醫院看媽咪。我們吃「得來速」的漢堡⋯⋯但不知怎的,不像以前那麼好玩了。我只想要媽咪好起來、回到家,一切恢復正常。 親愛的日記: 我試著向上帝禱告,但我不知道該說什麼。當我聽見爹地為媽咪禱告的時候,我哭了。他跪在起居室裏禱告得好迫切,雖然禱告完後看起來很累,但卻有一種如釋重負的表情。爹地說,中風難不倒上帝。 親愛的日記: 好消息!他們說媽咪這個月底就可以回家了。她可以慢慢地抬起右手跟我的右手相碰,但是她左半身會癱瘓。 親愛的日記: 我好高興,媽今天回家了。我愈來幫忙做愈多裏裏外外的家事,但我不在意。只要媽能在家,怎麼樣都可以。她說,當她以為她也許再也出不了醫院時,她最大的期盼,是讓我和爹地知道,我們對她有多重要。我告訴她,我也愛她。 Dear Diary My mom just had a stroke today. I don't remember much, except Dad picking me up from school instead of Mom, with a shocked expression on his face. He said earlier in the morning when I was at school, Mom was rushed to the hospital. The doctors said that a blood cell erupted in her brain. I felt like I dreaming or something, kind of numb. Dear Diary We visited her in the hospital again today. Today, she was actually conscious. She can't walk around or move on her own. The nurse said that Mom might be paralyzed on her left side for a long time. What if she's not going to get better? I'm scared. Daddy said to pray for her, cause that's the best we can do now. Dear Diary It was hard to concentrate in school today. The usual routine again-wait after school til Dad was off work, then he picked me up to go see Mom in the hospital. We had hamburgers from a drive-thru. . . somehow that's not so fun anymore. I just want Mom to get well and be home, and for everything to go back to normal. Dear Diary I'm trying to pray to God, but I don't know what to say. When I hear Dad pray for Mom, tears come to my eyes. He kneels by the living room and prays so earnestly, and then seems to look relieved yet tired afterwards. Dad said that God is bigger than the stroke. Dear Diary They said Mom can come home with us at the end of this month. That's good news. She can slowly lift up her right hand to touch mine, but she will be paralyzed on her left side. Dear Diary So glad that Mom came home today. I'm helping out more and more around the house with chores, but I don't mind. Anything to have Mom home. She said that when she thought she might not come out of the hospital, that what mattered most to her was for Dad and me to know how much we meant to her. I told her that I love her, too. |
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